Saturday, April 3, 2010

all this week!

this week,very tired lol!siyesly.too many works ah bodo!pandu puteri,kawad ctl,nasyid,gerai...adoii.manyak ah.mmg penat.but its fun coz taon nieh taon akhir ku,so,apa salahnya aq wat mende2 nieh an.ahahaha.touching ah lak aq nieh.adoiii.pic ta upload ag coz ta sempat copy ah.nieh pon saje je gedik nak update blog nieh.jeles tgok orang len manyak2 update blog diorang.ahahaaha.alasan yg ta ley pakai.ahaaha.btw,ni pon baru je free,ti da busy da.tiap2 malam kene g skul.ptg neih pon aq ta g skul.nak escape la kejap.tired la dok at sana je.....mmg malu la tadi.jage gerai pg2,then,ta tao nak wat pe coz ramai sangat da yg tolong,so dok ah kejap.then,da oke sikit,baru ah amik pisau ank potong buah kononnya,ahahahahahahaha.malu je,aq kekok ah.ta reti aq ramai2 nieh.tapi not bad la gak an.heeehe.macam2 aq belajo tadi!ahahahaha.BEST!tapi mmg penat.hurmm.ta pe.abis je sukan,semenye tamat da.heeehee.nanti nina upload pic oke.ta sempat da!bubye.nak mandi suda.busuk ini.masham! da jerit panggil2 ku soh mandi ah.adoiiiii.malas3 so malas3.heeeeee..........

Sunday, March 21, 2010


sakit bodo ati!macam F**K je seme ni!asal la aq gak yg dpat?asl aq?asal aq?ha???!ta paham ah,pas satusatu masalah.macam gampang ah!siyesly.lemah sangat ah malam nieh.seme org aq nak marah!seme org salah ah.seme org ta betoll!BENGONG ape?woit!law nak amik ati aq?jage la ati aq,asal wat cam nieh ah?confused bodo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

p/s:aq benci perasaan aq nieh.eqmal,kenapa tinggal aq?law ta,ta de la jd cam nieh?kenape???????eiiii!:((crying over da night scream!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

+bz with ma spm+

hurmmm.i had a very long time ta update dis blog wehy!urm..mase sepi ta update dis blog,macam2 happen.semenye pantas.i dont really love dis kind da messy story la.sometimes,i got in trouble,sometimes i fell so lonely,sometimes i fell i love to be mine,sometimes i fell im in love,sometimes i fell im very cruel,sometimes i fell im stupid,and sometimes dis love story is ma i want to da end dis story telling?omg!hell!em.for da moment of exam week before holidays,all dis kind of love story begin.em.clash with him.i no wonder how i felt.its totally fast.i dont noe how to forget bout him coz he had teached me alots about dis world.hurm.he teached me how to prepared in dis world,how to related our heart to be wonder.hurm.maybe he dont realize about what he did!but im realize.all dis kind of story and kenangan terindah i wont forget EQMAL!i do love u but ma love is not for still searching for ma love one.i think i had found da man.but,we get involved in another situation.omg!very cruel situation i think.hurmmm.........what ever it is.i must to think positive and look for him and wait for him because he want me to wait for him and love him as he love me.ouh!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

back to home sweet home

hello!4 da followers ya,im sori coz da lame da ta update blog nieh.hehe.kite ta de kat uma la.
4 dis school holidays i had been touching with all da new life.ahaha.i tried to be more matured!ta sangke kot.ahah.mase holiday nina ta de la holiday sangat an,coz heavy with tusyen and,ta de la mom and dad pon ta de mase nak bawak g holidays.dok je la kat uam an.nak wat cam ane.huhu.tapi last week kitorang holiday sepuas2nye.bez sangt.ti nina citer e bile de mase e.bubye.nina penat u all...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

kem +math

ta abis ag cite pasal kem ouh.ahahaa.em.mulemule ta nak g coz juz aq nan amy je g.adoii..then.abah da key in da name je la.first day tu.ati aq berdebar sangat uh.mama kejut bangun pg.`kakak bgun la.da pkul 7setgah.da iron bju lom nak g kem?amy abah da key in kan name je anta.`tehn.class mama start kul 8.but class aq start kul la anta.lame la aq nak bersiap.ati aq ase cam ta sedap je.`asal la nieh an.ase cam pelik je today.nak pegi tapi de something would happen`adoiii.betoll la jangkaan aq masok2 je nampak muke SHAFIQ!OMG!aq pusing alik.abah da masok dalam da.jumpe kawan die.adoii...malunye laa.pttla dari tadi ta sedap ati.rupenye.arghhhh!ma ex!ngat an ta jumpe die da an.rupenye jumpe lagi la.dingin je ta kenal je.adoii..ati nak tgor tapi kunk amy marah.then.wat je la ta tao.hurm...die semakin tgi dari aq now.dalam ati mmg sayangkan die lagi.but.3/4 dari aq nieh da jadi milik MOHD EQMAL HAFIDZI!so.i must to forget him.ahaahha.ta pe la.past is past an.blablabla.da 3 ari.ari last nak kuar g toilet.ta sedar die akan keluar.die masok.bertembung kat depan pintu.kawan2 gurau2kan die.ermm...tu la last aq ase akan pandang mata die ag.after dis.nope!aaahhahaha.ta umpe da kot.heheh.
yang penting ati ina now milik MOHD EQMAL.hanya die sorang je yang de dalam hati nina even nina ta penah jumpe die.

EQMAL:sayang.saye sayangkan awak je.muah!


veryvery tired senget!aahhahaa.full 3 days and 2 night ade kem +math tired.nampak nombornomborandnombor.manyakmanyak lak tu.ayooo.....pening uh.heheh.but i had so much fun la.hehehe.insyallah if ade rezeki and lebihkan usaha.nina yakin akan dapat a!4 +math.heheh.even i know dat too tough right?but.i must to face it.and i know i can do if i reallyreally want it to be real!ahahaha.nowander la ade orang yang ley target a 4+math.mmg susa if ta tao nak gune formula mane.but.if kite da known and da reallyreally hafal formula yg perlu dihafal.insyaallah ia akan jadi kenyataa.hehhe.

raya haji +majlis pertunangan

cincin tunang+merisik+hadiah
dis year.raye haji act n sepatutnye kat seblah mama.then.ade maksu nak bertunang sbelah mama.`ma.jom la balik uma nenek.ucu nak tunang laa....please.......blablabla`ma mom pon agree je la.ahaha.ta nak dengar da kot aq merungut.ahaha.kitorang sedara mara seme sampai ari sabtu tu.ade yang sampai pagi.tegh la tu sampai malam.ahahahaha.ane ta nye.manyak tempat persinggahan la.agpon betolak lambat parents de class.malm tu mmg busy la an.pasang cadar la.langsir la.kelambu la.macam nak nikah je.ayo....then.anak2 buah yang baek nieh an..tolong la ironkan baju maksu aq tu!PINK!ma fav lol!suke sangat uh.chantek je.da la maksu aq keding.nampak chantek sangat.ahaha.then.keesokannye.da raye..boys g masjid an.ade korban.solat.then.kitorang kat rumah nieh.ahahahaha.ntah la nak cakp pe ta raye je.bagun tido pon kul 800.tehn.baju pon ta iron ag lorh.mandi on kul 1200!ahahah.act ta mandi tu coz nanti busuk gak berpeluh2 uh wat ade yang ta stle la an.anak2 sedara yang rjin la katakan.ahahahaha.dalam kul 230 ade beberapa buah kereta sampai.adoiii....besar2 uh.then.maksu dat time da siap da la....chantek sangat n pkaian nieh.ta pkai tdung lagi.arghh...malumalu.ane ley ta pkai tudung.ahaha.then.siap2.peluh2.bodo sangat dat day mmg panas giler la.ta larat aq!then.da siap da selesaida seme.malam tu penat sangat.seme tido awal uh.aahahah.tehn esoknye bgun lambat.ahahaha.